Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Feast of All Saints!

I have been trying to decide if I will have a theme for this month of posting, or whether I will just inflict random stuff on y'all from day to day. I have decided, I think, to talk about my children and grandchildren (and my sons-in-law, too, if the month lasts longer than I think. ;-D)
Since I am nothing if not a methodical person , I will begin with my oldest chid, Arwen, whose foray into blogging drew me into the blogworld, and eventually resulted in this NaBloPoMo commitment. Arwen has her own blog, as I said before, and has put up a link to me here, which so far has resulted in my sister-in-law finding me. (Hi, "Tink"!) If I could have designed a perfect daughter (notice I said "a", there are lots of kinds of perfect daughters) she would be one. I don't remember fighting with her nearly as much as I fought with my own mother, and since I'm a fairly combative person (sigh -- character flaw), that tells you that she must have done a lot right.
I think that I will let you find out more about her by reading her blog, so come back tomorrow for your first dose of "Rosie".


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I also came from Arwen's blog :-) Look forward to hearing all about Rosie!

Anonymous said...

I am perfect, hooray!

Love you, Mom. :)