Friday, March 20, 2009

Seven Quick Takes -- Apology Edition

Although I have been working diligently on an extended blog post, I just looked at the date on that last one and went "Oops! I feel like I'm working, but they can't see it." So here you go:

1) The post I am working on is a set of interview questions asked by Lindsay. Let's just say it's turning out to be a whopper, and I've actually already decided to post each of the six questions separately. So something to anticipate.

2) One reason I haven't given the interview more time is that I'm a member of Tommy's HS Band Boosters. His school is hosting a state band event next weekend, and the boosters are responsible for feeding 80 to 100 judges and other officials. And I get to do it :-o!! I have done this for the last few years, but this year we decided not to use the school cafeteria kitchen for financial reasons. Therefore I am cooking at home, and serving up two hot casseroles and a vegetable in borrowed turkey roasters. (Also salad and rolls and butter.) Should be interesting!

3) Speaking of turkey roasters -- when Rosie and Anthony got married in Idaho, I fell in love with the kitchen in the church hall where the reception was held. It had all the usual kitchen amenities, plus three rows of double-sided counters with an electric receptacle every three feet. Bring your crock pot, bring your turkey roaster, everything at the potluck can stay hot. And I'm willing to bet that no breakers will blow.

4) The kitchen at my church, on the other hand, was designed by a man. (I can give you his name....) It works OK for the KofC fish fries that he had in mind, but the school lunch moms and the funeral lunch ladies could say a few things to him wish he had talked to them first. And it only works for the fish fries because the Knights have a storage room elsewhere.

5) I'm sure you all can see the incongruity, but all-you-can-eat fish fries in Lent drive me crazy. Especially when you can smell the oil heating as you come out of the Good Friday liturgy.

6) Spring officially arrives today! But, um, this is Michigan. Monday was spring, all right, but today is not, nor was yesterday. I like all four seasons, but the back-and-forth at the changes sometimes gets to me. Nevertheless, the sky is blue and the maple tree outside my window is budding. I guess I'll take what I can get.

7) I have made it through the Wimsey books to Gaudy Night. That and Busman's Honeymoon are my favorites, so I predict a quick finish. And there's a question about books in the interview, so stay tuned.

More Quick Takes are here.


Tracy said...

80-100? Okay, I'll quit whining about feeding 30 youths breakfast!

though our back and forth isn't the same as yours, I am tired of it too. Pick a season, already!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I am looking forward to the interview!

I love my turkey roaster. It turns into a buffet server too.

Petroni said...

I can't believe you're doing all that cooking! Good luck!

Rosemary said...

#6-- Yup, my feelings exactly! Thanks for all your prayers.